メモ – Underlying Environmental Assumptions


Underlying Environmental Assumptions には1. Economic Entity, 2. Going Concern, 3. Unit-of-Measure, 4. Periodicity がある。以下、1から順番に説明すると;

1. Economic Entity: In order to properly report those economic events affecting an entity, the specific entity must be defined and separated from other entities. A distinction is also made between a abusiness concern and its owners.

2. Going Concern: The business is not expected to liquidate in the near future. Where there is a reasonable expectation of an upcoming liquidation, the going concern assumption is abandoned. Liquidation accounting, characterized by the use of net realizable values rather than historical costs, is then employed.

3. Unit-of-Measure: Monetary units are used for the measurement and reporting of economic activity. Costs incurred at different points in time are intermingled in the accounts and, thus, it must be assumed that the purchasing power of the dollar remains constant over time. Inflation makes this assumption questionable. Enterprises are encouraged to issue voluntary supplementary reports based on current costs and dollars of constant purchasing power. This information is furnished in addition to the usual historical cost financial statements.

4. Periodicity: This assumption recognizes the necessity of providing financial accounting information on a periodic, timely basis, so that it is useful in decision making.

この中で過去問には3のUnit-of-Measure が出ていました。ってことは、他のも出題される可能性があるってことなので、1から4は覚えたほうが良いと思いメモしました。

もうJCPAのテキストや参考書は全て処分したので、ちゃんとした言葉が見つからない(ネットで調べればいいのだけど・・)のですが、ここは、やっぱり原文で覚えたほうが、米国の考え方が計算や他の理論にも結びつくと思いました。日本語訳は、直訳だったり、日本の基準に合わせて変えてあるから、やっぱり日本語は見ないほうがいいでしょう。英語の方がわかりやすいよね だって、英語でしか表現できないことっていっぱいあるし、それを日本語にするってことはものすごく無理があるから。

